Full Name: Selena Elizabeth Ulrich.
Nicknames: Sel, 'Lena, Kitsune, Kitty, Kit, Kitsune76, Kiddo.
Date of Birth: 17/06/76 (In cartoonist years, I'm ancient!)
Gender: Female
Height: 5ft8
Weight: 9st 7. Um, that's...about 119 pounds I *think*
Eyes: Grey.
Hair: Copper
Distinguishing features: Moderately disabled. Left leg shorter
than right, left hand doesn't work, lower energy than most. I don't use
a wheelchair but after about a mile I tend to collapse. For the rest of
the day. And am incapable of moving much after that. No, really.
Pet Peeves: Homophobia, sexism, racism, people with a mental age
of 12, people who try to force their religion and belief down your
throat, the fact that life isn't as easy as it looks, arrogance, anyone
even vaguely famous not at least acknowledging their fans, bigotry,
Celine Dionne.
Pet likes: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, on-line comics, fan fiction,
all that music I used to listen to when I was 11, Neil Gaiman's Sandman,
Neil Gaiman's Stardust, programming, web design, Photoshop, any girl in real life who
looks like Liz from Cool Cat Studio
Pet Sounds: An album by the Beach Boys.
How long have you been writing?: On and off since I was 11. At 21
I managed my first unpublished novel, which frankly sucked but maybe one
day I'll rewrite it. This comic is just an excuse to continue writing in
another form, although at one pointi s was also an excuse to try and
cartoon too.
OK, how long have you been cartooning?: About 6 months, although I
did once try my hand when I was 15. I did verily suck. So I gave up and
got Jo instead :)
Best Advice Ever Given: If you
don't pick it, it'll heal.
The Cartoonist
Full Name: Jo Wilson
Nicknames: Jo-Jo
Date of birth: Nunya business - you're not that interested
anyway - old enough to have started a pension.
Distinguishing features: A tendency to just wave my hands
around when I run out of words, and to speed talk when manic until
people shout at me slow down Jo we don't understand a word you're saying
because you're talkingtoofastagain. A tattoo of some Victorian
embroidery around my left ankle. Patient expression around Tory
supporters. Murderously patient expression around Daily Mail
readers (Note for non-English readers: Imagine your local most
far-right political candidate going into a lesbian commune and
slowly shooting each of the occupants in the head while explaining to
you in perfectly reasonable and terrifyingly well-argued terms that they
deserve it. *That's* an indicator of the true horror that is the Daily
Mail - Selena).
Pet likes: Trash TV, carefully worded intellectual justification
for watching trash TV, fanfic, comics in every shape and form: Love
& Rockets, Hothead Paisan, Sluggy (poing! poing! cheers Selena!),
Too Much Coffee Man, Corto Maltese...you get the idea. BUFFY.
Oh dear, way too much Buffy. Lots & lots of things and people,
my new floor fan (it's called Dennis).
Pet peeves: Daily Mail readers. Ok, it's been pointed
out to me by some of my friends that this is unreasonable as their
Mother/Girlfriend/Dearest Chum is intelligent and non-bigoted, but
happens to read the DM. Tough. They should know better.
Oh, and pigeons, the retarded type that wander around cities going 'coo
coo' like it's special. Actually, once again, lots of things, but
Selena has pointed out that I rant a lot already and should save it for
a political rally. The fact that Selena keeps saying that she's a
crap cartoonist when she's actually damn good at the important things
like continuity, layout,
expression and using a bloody ruler (I told you Jo, I can't pay you
unless we get 'Spotted - Selena).
Other stuff: Secret documents in the Ministry of Defence
that I'm not allowed to publicise. Sorry.
Plans for world domination: I don't know what you're
talking about.