We of the Guild of Evil Cartoonists believe that comics are like candy
- they keep you coming back for more. As a result, it is our goal to
produce strips of such mind-bending deviousness and quality that our readers
berate us for making them wait/try to second guess, while always coming back for
more. As well as a few miscellanious bits of deviousness that qualifies because,
well, it's just evil!. Therefore, we of the Guild will
- Always write plots so intricate that the readers can never outguess them.
- Create characters so real that people will always want to know what
happened next.
- Create cliffhangers wherever possible so that the next strip just cannot
come fast enough.
- Give resolutions to storylines that make readers go "OH MY GOD! I
should have seen that coming!"
- Cover over plotholes then pretend that we always meant it to happen like
- Put our characters through unbridled miseries and hardships so as to make
for good drama.
- Never leave anything resolved unless we have to, want to, or are just too
goddamn tired that day to go on.
- Create subtext wherever possible, either for future stories or because
it's just goddamn funny.
- Give the readers what they want, but only in very small quantities so they
come back for more. Always.
- Inspire debate and discussion in our readers over subjects touched on in
the strips, so we can busily write more deviousness without them noticing.
- Inspire Perverse Sexual Lust (PSL) in readers and then use it against them
whenever the plot demands/it's a day that ends in Y.
- Have certain key figures in the online comics world worship our
comics, for they are nif - er, tell everyone how great our works are and
thus get us more victi--read-both .
All members of the Guild will abide by this charter, unless they don't want
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